Hike Log

Day One, Hike One, Gettin it Done!


Chantry Flats

Trail Conditions:




This is my second year doing this challenge. Having learned from my first challenge, I knew that it was best to get an early start this time around. We finished the first year just under the wire, October 1. So how about starting on day one of the 2018 challenge?

I was a bit hesitant to hike Mt. Wilson. I knew there had been a fire on Mt. Wilson in October and I did not know the extent of the damage. Most of my very favorite hikes have been destroyed by the Thomas Fire and I was afraid of what I might find on Wilson.

It was a beautiful day to hike. I believe the temp was in the high 40's when my hiking buddy and I started but rose to the 60's. Perfect for a hike. We began at Chantry Flats. We met only four other people on the way up. The scenery was as beautiful as I remember. There was no evidence of the fire.

We ate a quick lunch near the observatory and headed down. It was on the way down that we ran into the damage from the fire. It's amazing that the observatory itself was not lost. The area was mostly impacted on the brief switchbacks to the fire road. The remaining hike was intact. Again, we met very few people on the way down.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the hikes this year and meeting other challengers. What a great way to get started!!


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  1. Good afternoon Jeff;
    Yes, it’s an awesome shirt! I do not personally have any picks of the fire devastation here in Ventura or Santa Barbara County though I seen many posted on social media sites. I’ve opted to hike further south until I was sure that the areas have been cleared for safety reasons. I will be participating in the MLK “Day of Service” Thomas Fire Restoration Event to help with restorative efforts at Big Rock Preserve in Ojai, California. I have shared a link in hopes you can share this with this amazing group. I’m sure I will have pictures after this event and can share if you are interested.

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