Hike Log

Double Peak


Ice House

Type of Hike:


Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Intermittent snow – not hard to cross

Perfect overnight hike summiting both Ontario Peak and Cucamonga Peak. Hiked 9- 5 pm first day. After the saddle, dropped packs off to side and summited Ontario. Picked up packs and then continued on to summit and camp on top of Cucamonga peak. We each carried 4 L of water which was enough for drinking as well as cooking dinner and breakfast the next day. Right now, water is flowing just after the saddle on the way to Ontario. Had we known this, we would have only carried up 2L water. The peak was awesome to camp at. Great views over the city lights, no bugs, no wind and even saw a sweet buck wandering around. Really special overnight experience.


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