Hike Log

First Pack of Six: Mt Wilson


Mt Wilson Trail Park

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

This was my first time hiking Mt. Wilson.  I hiked solo, enjoying podcasts, audible, and music…but also took the earphones off enough to enjoy the sound of running water, of which there was a lot.  And the weather was absolutely perfect – sunny skies.  I wore a long sleeve dry fit over a shirt sleeve dry fit and didn't remove the top layer until a couple miles from the bottom.  I work sweats over running shorts and debated peeling those off at the top but was too lazy so I left them on. 🙂

As others have shared, the trail is well marked so you're likely not to get lost…though I almost took a wrong turn on the descent where you have to hook a hard right a couple miles from the top next to a bench (I'm sure there's a name for this l junction)…fortunately I caught myself and confirmed my guffaw with a couple who were sitting on the bench (thanks)!

There were some patches of snow but no problem getting through.  There were lots of hikers / runners.  The top was sorta anti–climatic relative to some other local peaks but the view of downtown looking over Pasadena was nice (though a bit hazy today).  I hung at the rope for 45 minutes or so taking pictures, chatting with others, and eating before heading back down.

The descent was unremarkable though my achey old right knee was not a fan.  Was glad to get back to the car.

All in all, this was a great hike.  I started at 7:20am…parking wasn't too bad.  Was back at my car at 1:30.


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