Hike Log

Fremont Saddle


First Water

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

I hike Fremont Saddle kinda unintentionally. I started from First Water with no real plan or destination. I typically do that ever day. I gradually made my way further toward the center of the Superstition Range and at one point I just decided, “I’m going over this thing and making my way to either the Hieroglyphics Trail/Springs or Peralta. I just kept hiking and found the trail was heading toward Peralta. I made it up to the saddle where I started finally seeing other hikers for the first time all day. Everyone was taking their pictures and enjoying their final destination. I, on the other hand, was trying to figure out how I was going to catch a ride back to my vehicle at First Water. I had a spot of service and got a text out to my cousin. He made his way out to Peralta trail from Mesa. I made it to the parking area before him, so I just continued to hike down the road until we finally met up. I didn’t spend a lot of time at the saddle or the cave at the top since I felt like I needed to rush to meet him, but I would like to hike this again and possibly reverse the hike to start at Peralta and end at First Water.


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