This was the second of my hikes. Large gap due to COVID lockdown. Knowing that Monadnock gets crowded I intentionally choose to hike it on a Monday afternoon, hoping for lower crowds.
It was a perfect day , while there were bugs below the treeline , on the way up they were not bothersome at all. Cool and sunny and the peak was actually a bit too windy to allow you to stay there for long. My highlight was the flowering bushes on the top , I still don’t know what they are but they were stunning.
I did the white dot trail on the way up and the white cross on the way down.
How were the crowds on a Monday afternoon?
Bottom to top and back to bottom in 2 1/2 hrs. There were others but no issues social distancing . I probably started up close to 4 pm. Remember you have to get the parking permit before 9 am. Attendant at gate said weekends do get crowded.