This was another snow hike at the end of March when there was still snow on the mountain. I love hiking this particular mountain in the snow because on the way down, you can take a lot of shortcuts straight down the snow if you know how to glissade. I did this solo hike on my day off which was Monday March 29, 2021 starting at 11:06 am. I expected snow and took micro spikes to make sure I did not slip in the icy areas of the trail. I did notice a couple people also coming down because they did not bring the right equipment for the snow. Please always be prepared for snow conditions when there is even a slight chance of there being snow. Anyways, as it was a Monday, there was not a lot of people and it was nice to just get away from everybody and enjoy this hike alone. Please enjoy some of my pictures.
Tony Ramos
Six-Pack of Peaks Ambassador