Hike Log

Mount Wilson or Bust


Chantry Flats vía Studevant Loop

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free

First hike of the challenge. We took the look from Chantry Flats via Studevant Camp; first 3.5 miles to Studevant Camp were nice. The switchbacks up the Mountain were tough but we pushed through. We were worried about people but we picked a great day; just enough along the trails to keep it interesting. Came down the Mount Wilson Trail to the bench; after lunch it was done fairly well. The 2,5 miles from the bench to the Upper winter Creek trail seemed more like 5; prob a combo of tire and my toes screaming. Last 3 miles to the car were enough motivation to push through. Notes for next hike; bring a change of shirt ; mine got too stinky. Thicker socks, your toes will thank you on the way down.


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