Hike Log

Mt. Wilson on a foggy day


Chantry Flat Recreation area

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

We took the Mt. Wilson loop via Sturtevant and winter creek trails. All trails claims 14.2 miles, but i feel like it was a bit over 15 and 17 according to my fitbit (although we know thats not allwas accurate). Started about 8am and made it to the Mt. Wilson observatory around 1. This was our 1st of the acctual six peaks. There was rain in weather report with a high of 48F so we packed accordingly. Luckilly it never acctually rained. We stopped by the falls for a picture about a mile? in and continued on our way. There were lots of salamanders crossing the path which was pretty neat and all the little cabins  and camps along the way were a fun treat along the way. Once we got about 2 miles from the summit the fog was thick, so thick we could barely see the observatory standing about 20 ft from it. On the way down the few people around (it was a Tuesday) couldnt tell us where to find the other side of the loop so we acctually had to use our map GASP* but once we found the trail entrance in the overflow parking lot lot, the the way sown was a piece of cake. Overall beautiful hike. Would recomend!


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