Hike Log

My feet hurt & it’s dark.


Ice House Canyon

Trail Conditions:




Me and my friend Angel, both overslept so instead of starting at 0500, we ended up starting at 1300. Sun was up but it wasn't too hot. This was my first actual hike in forever and I do consider myself healthy ( powerlifter ), this was tough on the way up. Between a bunch of breaks, we stopped at the main Ice House checkpoint to eat and went on to the peak. Reached at about 1900, took pictures, ate and started heading back at sunset. All we had was our phone flashlights but we made it work in almost complete pitch black darkness haha.. Totally didn't start thinking of all the horror movies I've seen. Got back to the car at 0000! Ended up with 4 blisters,some bruises and content. Cant wait for the next hike!


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  1. Hi,
    I’m not sure if you will remember but my friend (blond woman in black) and I (brunette woman in orange ASPCA t-shirt) were heading back from the peak when we ran into you two. We chatted for a few minutes. I’m so glad you guys made it to the peak and out!!! Great job!!!

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