Hike Log

Ontario Peak


Icehouse Canyon Trailhead


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were an annoyance


Snow free


Ontario Peak – 8696 ft. – 12.85 miles and 3921 ft of elevation gain in 6.5 hours (5:50 moving time).

Started my hike on Saturday, July 10th at 4:45 AM from Icehouse Canyon Trailhead. It was already 75 degrees at the trailhead when I began (even in the dark), and a headlamp was only necessary for a half hour or so before day began to break. I knew the day was only going to get warmer, so I tried my best to hustle to the Saddle, though I did take several photo breaks to catch the wildflowers in the alpenglow. The views of Baldy were spectacular and I did take more than a few moments to admire it's formidably stunning bowl as the sun was rising.

The mosquitos were out in full force and unfortunately on the way up the mountain the wind was at my back, so the swarm seemed to move with me up trail. Thankfully I've been practicing my nunchuck moves with my trekking poles and swinging them wildly as I walked seemed to help keep the mosquitos at bay (and also keep my mind off the incline).

The altitude seemed to bother me a little bit more than I expected after the saddle, from Kelly Camp to the summit of Ontario, but taking a few breaks to eat and replenish electrolytes did help. I took a quick break at the summit to admire the views and take photos, and I feel fortunate to have had the summit to myself for about 20 minutes before heading back down to the trailhead. I've really lucked out on solo summits lately!

I ran a good portion of the downhill and even saw some Big Horn sheep as I was leaving the peak. All in all, a great day for adventure! Hike 5/6 done and in the books, and onto Mt. Baldy next!


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