Hike Log

Ontario Peak


Icehouse Canyon


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free


“Hiking is not escapism; it's realism. The people who choose to spend time outdoors are not running away from anything; we are returning to where we belong.” ~ Jennifer Pharr Davis

Our final hike for our #6PackofPeaks was Ontario Peak yesterday! 13.68 miles and 3,793 feet of elevation gain. We took advantage of the beautiful weather and hit the trail. It was in the 60s-70s all the way to the top. The beautiful fall leaves we saw just 4 weeks ago on all the trees had already fallen to the ground and were mostly trampled on. It made me sad to see them fallen already, but that's life, ever changing, evolving, dying to make room for the new. There is so much new life all over that trail – new trees, bushes, baby squirrels and chipmunks. It was so beautiful. I didnt take as many pics as I did when we did Cucamonga so I could take it all in and just enjoy it, plus I was being SUPER mindful of my ankles and laying attention to all the rocks lol and fallen trees! There were sooooo many! We figure out quickly that climbing over them was much better than trying to go under them lol.

This trail was a bit easier than Cucamonga and somehow we got an extra mile and a half. Lol. Not sure how that always happens, but it does.

I needed this hike. It's been an emotional week (few weeks, months, idk) for me. I just needed to decompress, and be in nature. It really is serene and recharging for the mind, body and soul. It centers me and every peak I climb brings me closer to heaven. It's a chance to pray, love and be thankful for this life I live. God is so good and so is my life.

With these 6 peaks, we hiked 67.33 miles and climbed 19,269 feet of elevation!

#hikingismyfavorite #strongAFisthegoal #physicallyandmentally #strongwomen #strongmen #wedidit #1challengedown1togo #livelaughlove #bethankful #Godissogood


Be the change you wish to see in the WORLD.

I ran out of time to paint a rock to bring with me on my hike. I was a bit sad that didnt carve some time out to do it. Luckily @jamesandersen brought sharpies, so I found a rock on the way up and this saying was on my mind the whole way up. Many times we complain. We complain about things we dont like, about things that happen around us, about things we want to change but RARELY do we ever actually make changes.

You see, the change starts with the person who stares at you in the mirror. It starts with your heart. It starts with you standing up for what's right. It starts with you teaching LOVE in your home so you can raise human beings who love. It starts with you healing from your traumas so you can be a better human being. It starts with YOU. So, what can you do to be the change you wish to see in the WORLD? For me, I will continue to inspire you to be good, do good and feel good. I will make sure I raise human beings that care. I will stand up for what's right and just, and get involved to ensure that freedoms are not lost. I will love. Always.

#bethechangeyouwishtoseeintheworld #alwayschooselove #heal #inspire #teach #FindHappyRocks


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