Hike Log

Peak 6 – Ontario Peak


Ice House Canyon

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free

I got to the parking lot at 5:30am and the lot was already half full. Glad I decided to have an early start. The saddle was not as windy as it had been last week. I continued on to Ontario Peak. There are still a few snow patches but easy to walk around/through. Not a lot of people on their way to Ontario. I had the summit to myself for a few minutes. I can never get tired of the views on this trail. On the way back down, I came across more people making their way to the summit. It was a good day to hike and the perfect peak to finish off the challenge. The stats – 12.3mi, 3900’ gain, 6hrs 10min, drank 1L water, 17oz. electrolytes, veggie sliders, and 2 granola bars.


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