Hike Log

Rain, Wind, Mud…Oh My!


Patch’s House?


Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road suitable for all vehicles


No Bugs


Snow free


It started out well. About 3 miles into the hike, the trail ends. It was quite muddy off-trail, but okay. There were beautiful views from the top as well as some very ominous clouds coming our way. Sure enough, the skies opened up and out came the wind and rain. The temperature dropped about 15 degrees. Cold and wet! Oh, and did I say muddy? The trail became sticky with mud – the kind that sticks to your shoes. Yuk! But we made it back to the car well after one of our dogs ran to the car because he was DONE.


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  1. Like the postal service motto…. “Neither rain, nor snow, nor mud…” can keep you from reaching the top! Nice job. 😉

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