Hike Log

San Bernardino Peak


Angelus oaks

Trail Conditions:




Trail was Awesome! All clean, easy to follow. Saw a few camping spots along the trail, I may do an overnighter one day ☺
I feel my legs a bit sore now, wore wrong boots and I can feet it. Haha


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  1. Awesome hike log, @kyticka007! I’ve overnighted at Limber Pines Flat en route to San Bernardino Peak. There’s a spring nearby that you can usually get water from, too. In fact, I’ve hiked five of the six peaks in the challenge as overnight backpack trips. The only one I haven’t (yet) is Mount Baldy.

      1. I did this this last year. I went up San Bernardino Peak, then continued on towards San Gorgonio. We ended up camping about 4 miles short of San Gorgonio, then bagged San G in the morning and hiked out via South Fork.

        There were three of us, so we had dropped a car at the South Fork parking in advance to shuttle between the start and end points.

        You could also hike out via Vivian Creek.

        The one constraining issue is water. We refilled our water at the Limber Pines spring, but had to carry enough for that night and the next morning. We didn’t have another water source until the next day when we crossed South Fork.

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