Hike Log

San Jacinto Snow Hike


Wellman Divide from Tramway

Trail Conditions:




Took the tram up at 8:00, signed into the Ranger Station, and hit the first snow less than a mile in. Gorgeous day, while we thought we would need our snowshoes after recent snowfall…microspikes were enough. We relaxed at Wellman Divide with coffee and kahlua, and hammock time before summitting at 2:00. The summit had soft snow and about 25 mph winds, and the post hike Tacos in Palm Springs were bomb!!


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  1. Two questions:

    1. How deep was the snow (i.e. did you do any post-holing)?
    2. Where did you go for tacos?


  2. The trail was icy in spots, especially in the afternoon. About a 1/2 mile in from ranger station to peak there were many spots with about a foot of fresh snow from recent snow fall…but not enough for snowshoes or post-holing. Microspikes did the job!

    Tacos were from Las Casuelas Terraza just a few miles in town. The chunky guacamole and chips were the bomb!!!

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