This trail in on a dirt 4X4 road leading to the peak. There are a few smaller trials you can take off course from All Trails, which we did, so that we were not sharing the road with the Trucks wanting to 4X4 to the summit. It was mostly people driving new fancy trucks, like the Rivan and Land Rovers, and then teen-age party goers passed us on their way to the peak. I would not do this one again because of the amount of traffic on the path and the fact that it took us an hour to drive to the trail head up the dirt road. Its interesting that I've now climbed the summit I see from the highway, and for that we had fun. Our hike also turned extremely foggy which I think made it more beautiful and interesting.

Hike Log
Santiago Peak
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Trail in good condition
Road recommended for high clearance only
No bugs
Snow free