Hike Log

Santiago Peak via Indian Truck Trail


Indian Truck Trail

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Minor obstacles posing few problems


Road impassable/closed


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free

Left trailhead at 5am.

Climb up was great. Saw some deer early in the morning and lots of bobcat & mountain lion tracks on the road.

Weather was super comfortable.

Refilled water and took a break at mile 8 at Bear Springs which was flowing well. Then up the steep shortcut and switchbacks which were taxing.

Made it to the summit in 6 hours where the bugs were quite active, Short lunch and headed back down.

Skipped the shortcut and stayed on the road for the descent. Refreshed at Bear Spring and dipped hat, sirt and gaiter in the cool water.

The trail is fully exposed and near 0 areas for rest.

Trip back down was good. Bush poppies were in full bloom, and saw a little garter snake.

Overall a great hike!

Made it back to the truck at 11.5 hours in; 10 hours hiking, 1,5 hours of rest.

55K steps in 23 miles, 4,200 gain according to Gaia.


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