Hike Log

Schooled in Switchbackery – Baden-Powell Style


Vincent Gap/PCT

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free

Great weather for peak #8, of the personal quest to try to complete all 12 this year.  Glad I started before the sun made an appearance; the crescent moon and stars were a beaut to see, off the PCT, to start the hike.  I could definitely feel the effects of the altitude, winding my way up the switchbacks to Baden-Powell, slowwwlllyyy, and with lots of stops, to take advantage of the shade along the trail, as the day heated up.  Was able to add side trips to Mt. Burnham, and Throop Peak, and glad I did, as the view is spectacular, and you get to travel along the ridge spine.  Note: the Pacific Crest Trail, heading to Burnham, and Throop has some spots where the trail is blocked by snowfields, but can be bypassed easily.


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