Beautiful day on North Wilson Trail. We started out at 7am on a Thursday and we’re only the second car in the parking lot. Saw less than a dozen hikers on the trail. We take our time but it was getting pretty hot when we got off the trail around noon. Buggy in spots. Someone took the sign for Wilson Mtn. at the intersection at the First Bench (who does that???) So when you get to that intersection you should turn right as you are coming from North Wilson Trl or follow the trail that is unmarked. This was a beautiful trail with AMAZING views at the top!

Hike Log
Sedona Overlook via North Wilson Trail
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Minor obstacles posing few problems
Road suitable for all vehicles
Bugs were terrible
Snow free
Thanks for the tip about the missing sign at the junction. Great views!