Cucamonga in June is hot. This was the first peak I solo hiked on purpose (I inadvertently hiked Sitton alone when a friend missed a message). Truth be told I'm glad to have hiked it that way. It was a tough climb, but I took it fast. When I needed to rest I did, but I rarely need breaks. Given the heat I was glad to only have to concern myself with my own condition. I brought less water than needed, as the descent is long, exposed, hot and uneven, so challenging. I went through 2.5 L and was out of water with 3 miles to go. 3+L is necessary. Cucamonga would best in spring and fall with heat in summer and snow in winter.

Hike Log
So began my solo hiking lifestyle
Type of Hike:
Day hike
Trail Conditions:
Trail in good condition
Road suitable for all vehicles
No bugs
Snow free