Hike Log

Taking the long way round


Bad Branch

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free

First my disclaimer- I planned this hike way before i went on a two-week cruise to Greenland.  Let's just say walking laps around the ship and doing 4 miles at each port was not the same as hiking this trail.  The trail is pretty straight forward.  It is a mild-moderate grade until you get to the intersection with the Pine Mtn Trail.  The step down from the junction was a little steep and slippery.  It is a moderate to mild .2 miles to the junction with the loop.  Remember that big rock step you just came down, you have to go back up.  I- being older and wiser took the trail to the right because most of the reviews were to the left.  The trail descends and then begins a gradual climb to the junction with the “high rock loop trail” The last 100 yards to this junction was fairly steep.  A short turn to the right will get you to Mars Rock and some amazing views.  I walked along the ridge, looked at my Gaia and Alltrails Topos that said I had somehow missed it on the way up.  I backtracked the way i came until i was parallel with where the coordinates were and bushwhacked until I past it.  I returned the same way I came from that point.  O and that .2 mile that i told you about- let's just say I should have walked by the dessert portion of the cruise buffet.


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