Hike Log

The Lost Jills at Mount Baldy


Baldy Bowl Trailhead

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail difficult/impossible to navigate


Road impassable/closed


No bugs


Intermittent snow – not hard to cross

This mother’s day hike turned out to be the most memorable hike we had so far!! You know why?? We got lost!! There’s a part on the trail that can be easily missed, especially, if you are short like me. I did not see the turn on the left due to a huge bolder and so we took right and that trail ended up the wrong trail, and we got lost. We did rock climbing that we never trained for. We crawled like a baby. I slid like there’s no more tomorrow. I was scared!!  Thank God we were able to find our way back and got on the right trail, and we finished the hike of 9 miles that ended up to be 12 miles and 5,200 ft elevation gain. The scenery is beautiful especially at the top were there were still snow.  It’s cold and windy only at the top but tolerable.  I enjoyed this hike with my friends the Jills part of the KaPAdYak (A nonprofit cycling organization in Loma Linda, CA). The Jacks are the Jills husbands.  There were 4 Jacks or husbands that joined our hike (some husband rode their bike from Clairmont to the top to the lift), since they are an avid and strong bikers they were fast hikers, so they left the Jills behind. We blamed them for us being lost due to leaving us behind. But its all good!! Although we got separated we met them on the top and the Jacks never left the Jills till we finished. We know that we will stick together, and I know I have friends who always stay with me since I was always behind. I thank God for keeping us all safe from harm and danger. What a wonderful and memorable hiking experience!! Looking forward for our next Six Peaks Challenge!!! One down five more to go!!!


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