Hike Log

The One That Almost Sent Me Home


Icehouse Canyon Trail

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


Bugs were not too bad


Snow free

It started out idyllic. I came across a fruiting apple tree & felt playful jumping rock to rock along the trail. Not too hot. Not to cold. A perfect day.

Then, about a mile and a half in, the screaming started-progressively louder, closer and closer she got-bushes rustling.

Grandpa always told us while camping and hiking- “If you hear a woman screaming, go the opposite direction.”

My heart pounded and down I went. A dance with a mountain lion was not on the agenda. I debated heading home. Maybe solo hikes are not my thing.

I took a breath and calmed myself down.

“I came here to hike.”

So I sang embarrassingly loud to my new critter friend to please leave me alone. She did.

The trail was lovely. The hike was far more fun now that I've been implementing strength exercises since Wilson. I also went without trekking poles on the way up and found that to be way easier. I watched the clouds roll in dark over Mt. Baldy and the wind picked up. The last couple hundred feet felt like an eternity, but I made it to the peak crying at my accomplishment. The view was covered by clouds. Another group at the top said I missed blue skies by ten minutes. I didn't mind one bit. I smiled all the way down. Bad knee, big cats and all.

Happy Trails!


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