Hike Log

This Strawberry is not ripe!


Strawberry Peak Trailhead

Type of Hike:

Day hike

Trail Conditions:

Trail in good condition


Road suitable for all vehicles


No bugs


Snow free

We started a little after 6:00 am. Just a few cars in the parking lot at Redbox Picnic area. The road was closed just past the trailhead. We were told there was a rock slide further up the road.  The reviews we read on AllTrails were pretty accurate. It was a deceptively easy hike till the last mile, then the false peaks came. “Hard” is a far rating for this hike. We got a beautiful day. Nice cool morning that lasted till we got to the peak with a wonderful breeze all the way up. There were no views of any distance to be had due to the marine layer. It started to warm up around 9am. It was good that we stated early because there was a lot of people using the trail today. There were several large groups we passed head up to the peak and a large 12 person mountain bike group coming down behind us. We didn't have a dog in our group but we saw a half-dozen dogs on the trail. The clouds still hadn't burned off by the time we were driving back down to the 210,  around 11:00 am. As always it's the people you meet that make it a great day. Had a funny conversation about putting an ink pad in the boxes at the peaks so dogs could sign the books …they earned it too. Oh ya, Strawberry Peak needs a sign.


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