Hike Log

Turtles Finish Strong


Ice House Canyon Trail


Type of Hike:

Trail Conditions:





We were so happy to get this one behind us and officially finish our six pack, although it was bitter sweet. We had always planned to finish with San Gorgonio however, thanks to the SoCal fires we had to finish with an alternate.

We started out at 6:00 a.m. with the idea that we would take our time and enjoy this last peak for all it was worth. Having taking the same trail to Cucamonga peak I knew it would be an all day venture for us slow pokes. However; we definitely noticed how improved we were as we conquered the switchbacks and didn't have to make nearly as many stops as the time before! Beyond the saddle I feared what lied ahead. I had struggled with the rocky terrain of Cucamonga and was trying not to let the memory of those struggles get in my head to discourage me. Luckily my fellow turtles made that easy as we shared stories and laughed the entire way up. I was pleasantly surprised at the trail conditions on this trail once we passed the saddle. The incline seemed much more gradually and except for a few areas of overgrowth for which I wished I had worn leggings instead shorts, the experience was pleasant despite the 90+ degree temps.

We made the peak about 1 and realized the reward of being a slower group, as we had the peak all to ourselves by this time! Luckily a group of back packers made the peak before we departed so we were still able to get out group shot in.

We departed the peak about 2:00 and while it took us 4 hours to descend we didn't really notice the time as we were having such great, colorful conversations. In the end I felt as though despite my tortoise pace I finished strong and feel accomplished! I also feel blessed that I had some amazing women who joined me on this journey and kept me motivated. I do plan to conquer San G but don't know that I'll have the opportunity to do so before the cut off.

Will I do the 6POP for 2019??? Well, that's still under consideration, but I'm thankful for this challenge as it pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me know that I am stronger than I thought!


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