Hike Log

Walking in a Winter Wonderland


Vincent Gap

Trail Conditions:




Went up Baden-Powell with some of A Group of Hikers, it was a beautiful crisp day with temperatures in the low 40s at the Gap. We hit snow and ice about 2 miles up, conditions dictated microspikes at least, crampons would have been better, there were a couple of rescues the weekend before. We ran into a few people who had turned back, but we pushed on. Summited in about two hours. It was a little dicey at the traverse, but OK at the time. We've had a mild winter with no much snow and warm temperatures, but that day was right on the cusp, doable with microspikes, but only just. And we were chastized by rangers for being under equipped, and I can't blame them.
We ran into a group from Lazy Ass Hikers and some from Hike Beyond the Hills. It was a beautiful winter day up there and well worth the trip.
We headed down before the weather changed and just in time. Going up in snow and ice is not too bad, but going down had some spots where we had to be careful.
This is an easy hike, but respect the conditions and be prepared, winter hiking is no joke, and an easy hike can turn dicey if you're not prepared.


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  1. Baden-Powell is one of those peaks that can easily turn from a winter hike to winter mountaineering. That steep slope and especially he final traverse can be treacherous (read: deadly).

    The photos you shared don’t show more than patches, but I’m sure you encountered more. And hopefully, we’ll get more snow before the season is up.

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