

So happy I decided to go on this endeavor in 2022.  When I heard of this challenge a few years ago, I thought this would be pretty cool to try this year, especially once the pandemic started to dissipate.  After knocking out four of the 6-Pack of Peaks in January, I had to take a break because the remaining peaks had snow on them and I had no mountaineering experience.  I didn't want to put myself or anyone else at risk.  So, instead of waiting around, I decided to find other peaks in southern California that didn't have any snow and I found lots of them.  Now, I've since completed the remaining two needed 6-Pack of Peaks in May, but I've also completed Peak #19 of 2022 so far.  I never thought I'd have done so many.  In fact, I've actually climbed more peaks this year than all peaks combined in my lifetime.


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