Join the 2nd Annual

central coast Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024

Alan Peak

Red Hot to Alan Peak

We hiked 12.5 miles with a gain of 2,500 ft along Alan Peak. When I wasn’t dodging spider webs it was poison oak, but the

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Gaviota Peak

Gaviota Peak

Moderate elevation, clean trial, consistent incline. Would have been great views but we started early and got hit with a significant amount of fog. Made

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Broadcast Peak

Sunny Switchbacks

We started our hike/run up to Broadcast Peak early at 7AM. There were a few patches of poison at the bottom section of the trail

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Hazard Peak

Foggy summit

After hiking Bishop Peak in the morning, some yummy tri-tip for lunch, a short nap at the campground, I set off to summit Hazard Peak.

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Alan Peak

Half-way there!

After camping at Islay Campground, I started from the Valencia Peak trailhead. I was considering summiting the peak on the way back and wanted to

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
