Join the 2nd Annual

central coast Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024

Bishop Peak

Bishop Peak Rocky Trek

Clear and sunny! The perfect weather to hike with friends. We were in a bit of a rush but luckily the trail was mostly empty

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Alan Peak

Poison Oaky and Ticky

I initially ran up Valencia Peak with a couple friends. After summiting Valencia, we parted ways And I made my way over to Oats Peak

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Broadcast Peak
Brandi Rubin

Hot broad on a mountain

Was pooped out from yesterday's hike up Hazard… So I didn't start early this a. m. Started at 9:35 am and had the trail to

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Bishop Peak

SLO Hike

We chose the perfect day to go hiking. It started off on the cooler side and quickly warmed up by the time we were done.

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
