Join the 7th annual

San Francisco Bay Area Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024

Mount Tamalpais

Mt. Tamaulipas night hike

This is my hood. I’ve climbec Mt. Tam more times than I can count. But, never at night! Don’t try this at home kids…,

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Mount Umunhum

Mt Umunhum

Amazing! I’ve wanted to do this hike for many years & now I can. Great trail. They’ve done a really nice job with all the

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Mount Diablo

Mount Diablo Hike

Hiking at Mount Diablo was strenuous. 16 miles round trip, very steep inclined but the view was amazing. Completed our hike in 7 hrs. Loved

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Mount Umunhum

Mt. Um!

I hiked Mt. Umunhum on a pretty cold day, theres lots of tree cover so I could see my breath almost all the way up!

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
