Join the 10th annual

Southern California Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge

Challenge begins January 1, 2024


Gorgonio Gone

We took exactly 13 hours for this hike, starting at 7:30 AM and ending at 8:30 PM. The distance was absolutely brutal so you have

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Max Kirkham


The trail was absolutely gorgeous. Of course it was long and took us a little over 13 hours to complete. But the lush greenery, the

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San G

started at 6am, parked right at the Vivian creek trail head parking lot. Trail is very rocky for the first 3 miles, then it gets

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Lost my water on Gorgonio

Water available all the way to High Creek Campground. First section and last section the hardest. The snow patches did not hinder us, but microspikes

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AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
