All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

2022 San Diego

Corte Madera

Great hike, trails narrow lots of bushes get ready for multiple scratches.

2022 SoCal

Strawberry Peak

Started at 6:15am and was down by 10am before it hot too hot. Only saw 4 people the whole day.

2022 SoCal
Jamie Hess

Strawberry Peak

Really fun trail with great views. Definitely download the map from All Trails as there are a few places that it can be questionable which

2022 SoCal
Sharon OLeary Martin

Strawberry Hair on Strawberry Peak

Well for the first week of summer, it was not as hot as it could have been. There was a lovely breeze and only saw

2022 Las Vegas

Charleston Peak

Fun hike up to Charleston Peak on June 21st. First person to reach the peak for the summer season of 2022.

2022 SoCal
Matthew Feaver

Sawmill Peak

Fun quick little hike to Mt Pinos, Sawmill Mountain, and Grouse Mountain.  The trail was in great shape and it was definitely a good time.

2022 New England
Leo Pareti

A windy June day on Franconia

June is a great time to do Franconia Ridge and Mount Lincoln. You gotta hit this up before the summer haze sets in to get

2022 San Diego

Corte Madera

It was a great hike. Expect some narrow trails. Don’t forget to sign your name, you’ll see it when you reach the summit. 🤙

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
