All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

2022 SoCal
Mathew Graves

Cucamonga Peak

Rolled my ankle pretty bad at the peak but still a fun one

2022 SoCal

Strawberry Peak

Came back for redemption! 💪🏼

2022 New England

Mt. Washington

Beautiful day with minimal breeze. Enjoyed a whoopie pie at the summit and beat our time from last year

2022 SoCal

Register ridge

Register ridge has to be my new favorite way to go up to Baldy. It’s shorter but steeper but the views are spectacular. Coming down

2022 New England

Peak #1 Done!

Those who have done it know that Monadnock is all rock – for a novice hiker it was a challenge! Super hot day, and super

2022 Oregon
Lisa Holt


It felt like we had been exiled from our homes and forced to start over in this uninhabitable mountain forest! Just miles of burnt up

2022 New England

Hump Day!

I had previously researched which trail would the easiest to hike on Camel’s Hump, because I knew that we would have hiked Mount Mansfield the

2022 PNW

Mission to Camp Muir

Husband was acclimating at Camp Muir with a climbing team this weekend (wind was too bad Tuesday night, so they didn’t try for the summit),

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
