All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

2022 Oregon

Wildflowers & Mountain Views

We got an early start, just after 8am and finished shortly after noon. We enjoyed the variety of wildflowers from the abundant Lupine to the

2022 Oregon
Rob Buckingham

Beautiful Morning

Started out at 8:15 in the morning. Extremely peaceful forest with only an handful of hikers on the trail. Flushed a ruffed grouse near the

2022 SoCal

Baden -Powell triple crown

Changing things up a bit by starting at Dawson Saddle, a few miles west of Vincent gap. A much more quiet trail connects to the

2022 Arizona Summer

Elden Mountain

Left at 730am. First mile was easy. Second mile a little tougher with a 1000 ft gain. Third mile, relatively low grade.

2022 New England
richard maynard


Thankfully most of the trail was shaded. Temp in the 80’s but some breeze and a little cloud cover at the summit. A great day

2022 New England
Katie Fournier

2nd times a charm

Wow was it humid! Weather was HOT and humid. Barely a breeze at the summit.

2022 New England
Stephen Quink

Mt. Greylock Mountain

Great day for a hike. A little hot as we entered the afternoon but breeze at the summit cooled you down (a bit, anyway). Didn't

2022 San Diego

Second time around

Another beautiful day in Julian. Much warmer than last weekend but the views were amazing. Reminded me of the sound of music!

2022 SoCal
Lauren Deaderick

Sawmill Mountain

Beautiful hike, still down wildflowers out. Nice cloud covering today and some showers on our drive down. Not overly strenuous hike but definitely long and

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
