All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

2022 SoCal

Ontario Peak

Trying to avoid the heat of the weekend we started 4:20. Surprisingly for us, it was windy; that helped a lot with the weather. The

2022 SoCal

Beautiful Cucamonga

First time at the icehouse canyon trail although we have been to mount Baldy a few times. Of all the 6 pack peak hikes we

2022 San Diego

Serenity in San Diego

Absolutely beautiful view from the summit. I started late (9am) due to a finger injury in the early morning. I worried that it would get

2022 Arizona Summer

Deceptive but Amazing

You think you are at the end but yet start another peak…deceptive indeed…lol. However, this peak challenge was one of the most beautiful hikes I

2022 SoCal

Flower 🌼 🌻 🌸 🌹 💮 San Bernadino

Gorgeous flowers contrast to the burned trees.. 野火烧不尽 春风吹又生。 the reborn from the ashes, the strength of life, the hope … incredible beauty of the

2022 San Diego

There’s gold in them hills

Hiked at 2:30am to avoid the heat predicted to be 98 degrees by mid day. The morning hours were a delightful crossing of microclimates on

2022 SoCal

1st peak!!! Mt Baden Powell

This was our first peak and it was absolutely beautiful! The hottest it got was about 75°. There was quite the breeze often on depending

2022 SoCal
Anabel Bowen

Ontario Peak

Windy at times, started at 4:20am coming down it got hot after saddle. Heard rattle snakes close to the peak. Had to crawl and hop

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
