All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Arizona Six-Pack
Lawrence Landon

Peralta Trail to Fremont Saddle

Less people than I expected from the AllTrails reports. Dirt road had areas of washout, but still passable for all cars except low clearance cars

Arizona Six-Pack


Beautiful views of downtown and all the other mountains in and around the valley.  To get to the top it’s just a mile long staircase.

Arizona Six-Pack

Camelback pains

Camelback was a very difficult climb.  My knees and ankles really took a beating.  Again, too many people.

Arizona Six-Pack
Jason Yoder

Christmas on Camelback

This is a challenging hike as you approach the summit. Great views of the valley. The problem with this hike is there is a lot

Arizona Six-Pack


Tough hike for me but really exciting.  Very beautiful views.

Arizona Six-Pack

Made it to the Roost!

We did the Carney to Cave trail loop. We found Robbers Roost, made it to Fremont Saddle and finished down bluff to Peralta trailhead. The

2019 SoCal

Sitton in the Rain

Wonderful hike on a cool, misty day! Did the 9.5 miles in less than 4 hours… nice rolling hills and great trail conditions made this

Arizona Six-Pack

Surprise at the Top

A lot of other hikers on the trail today. I decided after I Summited that I would hike down the tail side and then back

Arizona Six-Pack

Picacho Peak

Great hike!

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
