All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

mt san J

cold nights bring warm clothes if camping over

Southern California

Coo-coo-ca-Cucamonga Peak

This hike was MAGICAL!! Conditions were perfect—overcast, foggy, slightly misting. This was my favorite hike of the whole challenge because it felt like we were

Southern California
Shari Ratliff


The weather on Cucamonga kept us on our toes. The fog was constantly rolling in and out with intermittent spots of sun and rain. The

Southern California
Sarah Contant


The day we hiked it was foggy and misting. It felt like we were hiking through the clouds.

Southern California
Teri Tredway

Above the clouds on Cucamonga

Lots of changing of clothes on this hike…we were in and out of cloud banks all morning! Some of the slippery loose rock was disconcerting,

Southern California

San Bernardino

This is probably my favorite of all So. Cal Peaks. Long but fairly flat compared to the others. Most enjoyable terrain.

Southern California
Dawn Gee

Mt Wilson

My first peak! It was foggy, a chill in the air & we hiked the pace of turtles. But we made it to the summit!

Southern California
Alejandra Cohen

San Jacinto with the Hubs

6 Peaks in Six weeks, Hike #1- I was thrilled my husband decided to join me in this hike this year. It was a beautiful

Southern California
Tony Larsen

The (not so) little engine that could

This is a beautiful, though Rocky, trail. I set out with the goal of only getting to Wellman's Divide. I hiked with my wife and

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