All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

You're the Toughest of them all

Toughest of them all…the hiked mentally and emotionally broke me. Learned a lot about myself.

Southern California

Mt Baden Powell

Mt Baden Powell was a great challenge, it made me leave my comfort zone, the hike took place at 3:30 am, for the celebration of

Southern California

5- San Gorgonio peak

Very pretty trail even though it is largely an old burn area. Elevation gain was gradual and very doable.

Southern California

San G SoCal’s Beast of a Mountain

This was my first hike in.  Arrived at Trail head at 8:00 a.m  The hike was long but stopped at some cool places like Horse

Central Oregon

Belknap Crater (Mountain Repeat)

This was my second time up Belknap Crater this year. I forgot to log it in August.  I went with a friend from the coast

Southern California

#2 – Baden Powell

Went early to see the meteor shower.  Really big group.

Bay Area

From sea to pancakes

Parked the EV at the chargers at Stinson for a free round trip to the hike. Foggy and chilly at the beach, warmed up by

Southern California
Suzanna Howell

Baden Powell

I love this hike.

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
