All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California
Annette Parra

Never Ending Hike

The hike felt never ending. The surroundings of the hike was beautiful. It got a little more difficult towards the end when the incline started.

Southern California
Yolanda Nowicki

Crampons/Ice Axe – Absolutely Necessary

Great weather, but cold. 45 mph winds at the top with single digit windchill. Snow on the trail began at 8,000′. Crampons/ice axe required right

Southern California


We started off strong at Chantry Flats at 6:30 a.m. We stopped and played on the swing at one of the campgrounds. Finally reaching the

Southern California

Hiking Mt. Wilson

This was my first peak to complete in the series. The weather was great while hiking, it was not too cold or to hot. However,

Southern California

Mt. Wilson

Perfect weather

Southern California

My San Jacinto Peak

It was a Beautiful day a little windy but nothing to crazy. Trail is still heavily covered with ice and snow so crampons or micro

Southern California



Southern California
Kirby Zavatsky

Microspikes Saved My Life

I’m not going to lie, this hike kicked my butt! There was a ton of snow which was packed down hard and very icy. Saw

Southern California

Mt. San Snowcinto

3/25/18 – Great Hike. Long day! Microspikes definitely needed from the stream crossing onward. We saw several people slip and fall. The recent snow had

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