All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

“Just 3/4 mile left” -Everyone

Met up with two friends, Emily and Matthew, early in the morning at my house then headed out for the trailhead. We began our journey

Southern California
Lawren Dak

Beautiful hike Mt. Baden-Powell

Very chilly wind but after we started hiking there were some warm spots and not terribly bad. We had to wear Yaktrax in our shoes

Southern California
Christina Roberts

Mount Baldy the butt blaster

Gaaaah I did it! I conquered ol’ Baldy and definitely feel it today. I started this hike at Manker Flat trailhead at 6:15am and headed

Southern California


It was a early morning start at around 6 am I have arrived at like around 4:45 and sat an ate my oatmeal I was

Southern California
Shawn Carman

Baden Powell – Pupper Power

Trail was in great condition and the winter conditions were amazing. Felt good to get the gear out of storage and hit the snow. Definitely

Southern California
Veteran Hiker

What a hike!

This was a good one. Lots of snow and very windy at the top. Took me almost 8 hours to complete. The winds were almost

Southern California
Paul Vu


I made it to about 3/4 mile from the top via the tram back on 01/10/18, but had to turn around. Didn't expect that much

Southern California

Mount Wilson

Great! Loved it

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
