All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  


Storm coming in hard, so cloudy and windy, but it seems like every time I do Volcan it’s cloudy and windy.

Southern California

I feel Cucamonga after this

This was definitely the hardest hike for me. There was an extremely steep slope towards the end. I wasn't sure I was going to make


Mt. Timpanogos

Went up Timpooneke and down Aspen Grove. Beautiful hike, amazing alpine scenery and mountain goats. So many waterfalls on the Aspen Grove side. Definitely the



We hiked up Timpooneke and down Aspen Grove. One of the most beautiful hikes I have ever done. Be careful around the Mountain Goats. Several

Central Oregon
Emily Schroeder

Summiting Sutton

The initial trailhead was challenging to find, but we used the coordinates and parked in front of an old cow gate. We passed through some

Southern California

San Gorgonio Peak

The trail is easy to navigate with a few falling branches to cross over. The weather was good, but a bit windy after 1pm (15-20mph).


Mount Nebo!!

This was a great hike with beautiful views and tons of wildflowers! My Garmin put us at about 9.75 miles and 4,091 elevation gain.

Central Oregon
Maija Mattson

SUTTON change of plans

Escaped the smoke moving east. Had planned to summit south sister but made a SUTTON change to our plans. Ended up hiking with a very


Highest Peak in the Wasatch

Beautiful hike, dry but not dusty, well-travelled but not busy. Wildflowers we’re stunning. So were the views at the top!

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
