All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Arizona Summer

Elden + a bit of Forces of Nature

Beautiful trail, far more beautiful than I remember! However, our little detour down “Forces of Nature” was the most beautiful part of all. Saw a

Northern California

Last hike, hardest hike

This was a challenging hike! Very steep, sandy and unstable. But the views were incredible and the reward was worth it!

Northern California

Liquor on the Lassen!

Beautiful day with seasonal thundershowers.

Northern California

Mt Helen

Saved the best for last. Definitely the hardest out of the six. When you think the trail can’t get any steeper, it does. The trail

Southern California

Ontario Peak

It was a lovely day for this hike for most part, it got pretty warm for last couple of miles. The trail has a lot

Southern California

Gorgeous San Gorgonio

Trail conditions were in good shape! A few trees in the way, but easy to step over. Long hike – we opted for the longer

Lake Tahoe
Arun Sharma

Castle peak (3 sisters hike)

Parking at start (by hey 80) was limited so drove truck past parking lot on dirt road to start of “hole in the ground trail”.

Bay Area

Escape to Black Mountain

This was a surprisingly great hike. There was cloud cover so it wasn’t too hot, great foliage and the trail followed a creek for a

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
