All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

Number TEN: Beauty in the Burn

I was super nervous for the length and the elevation of this one, but this hike surprised me in so many ways. My body felt

Central Oregon

Smoky South Sister

This was my second time up South Sister.  I hiked solo. I didn't start up the trail until 8:30 am. Despite there being a lot

Lake Tahoe

Rock On, Tallac

A and I made a last minute change and decided to do this back route instead of from the more popular Tallac Trailhead. We were

San Diego

Corte Madera Connections

Beautiful views and a great challenge. Long sleeves are a must on this trail, very overgrown in some spots. Not much shade, but a little

Southern California

The Tough One

Fantastic weather conditions for a hike. Started out bright and early. Excellent views, good group comerarderie Triumpant finish.

Southern California

A New Favorite Way up San Gorgonio

I had hiked San Gorgonio twice before, but both times had been on the Vivian Creek Trail. I mixed things up this time and took

Southern California

Sitton Peak with lots of Bugs 🦟

Hiked up to Sitton Peak on cool cloudy day hoping maybe there wouldn’t be anymore bugs.  Well we had a wall of bugs to fight

Arizona Summer


Beautiful wild flowers in bloom. There are a few fallen trees closer to the peak. Loose rocks, not an issue on the way up, but

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
