All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Las Vegas


Trail was in good condition, as was the access route. I was expecting to see more damage from the storms, but it looked as good

Southern California

Ontario Peak

Beautiful Hike!

Southern California

All 12 SoCal peaks completed!

All 12 SoCal peaks completed 🙌🏽. Trail conditions were good and easy to follow. Road to the parking lot was rough. Weather was perfect! Not

Southern California

Foggy dat at Sitton

Alot of bugs and some tarantulas too. But the scenery was so good with all the mist on the trail

Southern California

Strawberry Peak

We drove through the clouds go get there. We came out of the clouds and it was hot. The last mile to the peak went

Central Oregon
Calandra Kallstrom

Fall is Coming

Beautiful day for a hike. Air was crisp and cool, leaves were just starting to turn red and yellow, and the summit was clear for

Bay Area

Are we there yet!?

Beautiful day but I wasn't ready for the incline. I did appreciate the shady spots.

Southern California
Lina Posada

Mt baldy

Pretty steep but great for the calves jaja


Mt Timpanogos

Fun trail to cap off the challenge/ year!

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
