All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

Beautiful day out on Gongornio!!

The weather was absolutely perfect.  A little wind in the middle of the hike but amazing at the top!  The trail is beautiful right now

Arizona Summer

Bear Mountain

The early morning was perfect hiking weather but it got to the mid 80s by the time we were done. With all that rock it

Southern California
Belinda Giudice

Go get Gorgonio

The first part of the hike was beautiful!! Fall Foliage is in the air! It was a warm, nice & sunny day! This was my

Southern California

San Jacinto

Nice fall day with beautiful fall colors. No wind and perfect weather.

Southern California

Alone on Strawberry Peak

We started the hike at 9am and didn't see another person until we were just about finished.  The views at the top were amazing.  I

Southern California

All alone on the trail

Very hot day to hike Strawberry Peak, very little shade.  But it's a great hike!!

San Diego

Over the mountains and into the woods

Fantastic weather for a long hike. With out permit in hand we started out hike at 6:30 am. The 1st mile and a half were

Southern California
Cara Cooley

Bernadino Baddies

The last bit to the top of this one felt never ending, but it was a beautiful day and the trail is in great. Some

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
