All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

Mt Baldy – 2023/07/15

Started at 6:30 AM and got down at 10:15. Starting early was very useful in avoiding the sun and beating the heat. Plenty of people

San Diego
Edgar CarrilloGonzalez

Hiking Corte Madera

Good hike but it was a guessing game trying to find out where the trail was. Went the wrong way a couple of times and

Southern California

Strawberries and reptiles

Left at 715a, back at 1138am.  Buggy at first.  Two false summits. One mountain biker encounter.  No cell service at saddle. Enjoyed all the critter

Southern California

Mount Baden-Powell: 7th Peak

Started at the trailhead at 4:15am so saw the stars & crescent moon recede & sunrise with breathtaking orange and red hues. Steady climb up

Southern California

Mt. Wilson Hike

I hiked this trail to experience some father-son bonding moments. I had a great time hiking this trail but the bugs were absolutely terrible. We

Southern California
Sonia Perez

Cucamonga Peak

On Friday July 17, I started this hike around 4:40am when it was pitch black.  It was the first time I hiked alone in the

Southern California

Mount Baden-Powell Hike

We started out about 7:15am. The heat wasn't too bad after the first mile or so. Sadly when we hit the summit we found that


Bergen Peak

Great hike. Hot and sunny, but there was a pretty consistent breeze that was my friend. Saw a few people on the trail, but had

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