All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Arizona Summer

North Wilson, Sedona

Camped Friday night at Javelina CG. Took the suggestion of starting at North Wilson TH where there was less people in the morning and pit

Southern California

#5 of 12

Fun trek, weather was great, very little wind.  Trail was only available for first half, then it was straight up to the top through snow. 

Southern California

Mt.Wilson 🌄

Trail was in good condition. Lots of trail runners in the first 3-4 miles. There were a lot of opportunities for water, including at the

Bay Area

Hike to black mountain

Started the hike at 5-30 AM as soon as the park opened. Trail is well maintained. Has shade in some parts. But gets very hot

Arizona Summer

Bear Mountain

Beautiful views of the Sedona red rocks

Bay Area

My 6th Peak

This is my 6th Peak hiked.  Hooray for me! We arrived at the trailhead by 8:15 There were no restrooms at the trailhead, which is a big

Southern California

Mt Wilson

The trail was hot at times but there were plenty of places with shade to stop. There were a few places to get water using

Southern California

Mt. Wilson Hike

Trail conditions were great. They were volunteers maintaining the trail during the first 1-2 miles. Hot hike, started at 8 am and finished at almost

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
