All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

San Diego

Booty Burner 🍑🔥 @ Mt Woodson

When it’s oh so cloudy coastal, you’re likely to find the sunshine at Mt Woodson. Beat the June gloom while all the wildflowers are still

Southern California

Buggie Sitton

Beautiful morning with clouds, beyond too many bugs. 1st 2 miles beautiful, lots of wildflowers and shade, hot about 11. Last mile was a great

Bay Area

Um… Umun… hum… Umunhum

We accidentally passed the lower parking and ended up at the summit parking lot. We had already walked up the last flights of steps to

Bay Area

1 down 5 to go

Beautiful early morning hike .  Trail is clean and not a lot of traffic yet .  Great way to start our six peak in 6

Central Oregon
Calandra Kallstrom

Black Butte completed , five to go

Started at the lower trailhead. Lower half had hardly any foot traffic compared to the upper trailhead. Trail is completely dry and the wildflowers have

Arizona Summer

Wonderful Wilson

Excellent hike, amazing views. We actually covered both the Sedona and North Canyon Overlooks in 11 miles and less than 5 hours.  Started at 615am

San Diego

High Point

Would have been a beautiful hike except for the flies. I stupidly didn't listen to the AllTrails reviews and thought I could handle some bugs.

Arizona Summer

Mount Elden Lookout….

It's been awhile since we've been back here, and thought it would be an easy day, but I was so wrong. Lol. But We didn't

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
