All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

Simply Strawberry

We arrived at the parking lot around 6:30am and it was pretty empty. We started hiking at 6:50am and the sun had just risen so

New England
Sherrie Ladd

Redemption Hike

After our failed attempt at a birthday hike up Washington we nailed Monadnock on a bright sunny day as a little closer to home redemption

San Diego
Ann Sharon

Volcan Mountain Hike

Started the hike midday on the main trail. Lots of parked cars along the side road at this time. Sunny weather not hot. Steep ascent

San Diego

Hike #3 – Volcan Mtn

My third peak in the San Diego Six Pack of Peaks Challenge. The weather was perfect, but cold and windy at the peak. The trail

Southern California
Matthew & Arabella

San Jacinto – Snow play!

Beautiful day up on San Jacinto.  There was no scrambling over the boulders to get to the summit since they were still covered in snow. 

Arizona Summer

Granitastic Views – Peak #1

Enjoy that peaceful meander through the shady forest before you start up the steady, fully-exposed switchbacks as you traverse through granite boulders and outcroppings. The

New England

Beautiful weather

I hiked with a buddy of mine. The day was beautiful. We had the perfect amount of wind. This was my second time hiking here.

Arizona Summer

The name's Granite Dammit

A little warm but we started at dawn which helps. Lots of little flowing streams and goid views of Prescott and the lakes below.

AZ Winter 20% off early-bird rate ends in
