All Hike Logs

Check out what other challengers are doing!  This shows all the peaks logged across all challenges in the Six-Pack of Peaks Challenge Series. You can page through them all, or filter to show just hikes from one challenge.  

Southern California

Officially logged my first hike!

I got to the parking lot right around seven and was able to get one of the last official parking spots. When I left, I

Southern California

Mt. Wilson 1st Peak

Read the trail had snow and to bring micro spikes but only snow came the last half mile or so, and was off the trail

San Diego
Jay Grant

Hot Springs Mtn

Perfect day for a hike–yet didn't see too many people on the trail. The cool, rather cold, breeze up the first 2 miles kept the

New England
Stephen Quink

Monadnock Hike

2nd hike of 6-pack Challange 2023. Awesome day!! Weather was absolutely perfect. Breezy at top helped cool you off before the trek back down.

Southern California
Cory Tsuyuki

Strawberry Peak

This was the second time I've done this hike. It was after a rain, so the trail wasn't as dry and the skies were clear.

San Diego
Elizabeth Meza

El Cajon

The trail was in good condition with up and down hills both ways.

Southern California

Strawberry Peak

First peak out of the challenge! Nice way to start, smooth and forward! There’s about 3 hills of incline towards the peak, some felt like

San Diego

Hot Spring is Not Hot

Cooler weather made hiking this peak much more memorable. No snakes or bugs but we did find small patches of snow towards the top. The

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